Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So I just closed Indulgences. It was a lot of fun, mostly (see last post). And now. For the first time since, gosh, 2003? I have nothing to do until March 9th. I mean, not literally nothing. I'm trying to scare up a directing job, I'm working my new idea (stay tuned), I'm trying to figure out how I'll put food on the table next year. But suddenly, I have all kinds of time. It's very weird.

Yesterday, I got the kids to school, messed around on the computer, went to the store, went to another store, picked up the kids, hung out with the kids, made Jalapeno margaritas (I marinated the jalapenos a little too long and the tequila was very spicy), made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, watched Caprica with my wife, and went to bed.

Today, I puttered around, went to the gym, went to the store again, picked up the kids, took Spencer to ballet, took Dashiell to swimming, and then I'll pick him up, take him to a friends house, make dinner, put the kids to bed, muck about on the computer, and go to bed.

So, yeah, I'm basically a house husband. It's so weird. But kinda good. I'm surprised that I'm not glummer and more bitter, but I'm trying to go with the flow. We shall see.

But I've spent the last god knows how many years rushing about, way behind on everything. Only on vacation, out in Missouri, did I ever feel like I had time. Now I have time, in the middle of life. It's kinda good, notwithstanding the horrible years that brought me this. Funny.

1 comment:

  1. You're only supposed to marinate them in the tequila for a week or less (depending on how potent they are.
