Monday, July 20, 2009

Day Dreaming through Dad-dom

It's strange, but I'm definitely finding myself slipping into a summer dream over the last week.  I have hardly had a single creative thought, and very little impulse to try to have one.

Mostly, I'm being a stay at home dad.  It's kinda great, and kinda boring.  I do laundry, pick up toys and clothes, make meals, put my kids to bed, take them to the pool and the tennis courts.  I feel a little like I'm sleepwalking, but in a rather pleasant dream.  But there's almost no thinking involved, which is a little weird.

I've spent most of the last 5 years thinking intensely all the time: worrying, wondering, pondering, inventing, obsessing, solving, raging.  These days, I just do basic stuff, and my mind hums along quietly, without anything particularly interesting going on in it.  

Obviously there are exceptions.

1 comment:

  1. I'm having a very similar summer (without the kids). I come home, make dinner, clean something, read something, watch TV with my husband and go to bed. I occasionally feel a little lost, because who am I if I'm not making, seeing or facilitating theater every night? Mostly I just feel like I'm reconnecting with myself, my home and all the things that center and ground me. It will be interesting to see what happens when the season picks up again.
